Fitness & Nutrition Premium Online Coaching is the real deal! Designed for women who are ready to transform their body, mind and health using the power of weight-training and nutrition!

This package involves a 3 month minimum commitment — you need at least 3 months to build long term habits and see real, lasting changes.


Hey Girl,

  • Are you mentally and physically exhausted from working your butt off in the gym doing hours of cardio & ab exercises, only not to see the return on your investment?

  • Are you frustrated because you’re eating all the right healthy foods, but still not losing weight despite these positive efforts?

  • Are you tired of lacking confidence, motivation, and feeling stagnant in your journey?

Imagine Instead...

  • Your workouts are time-efficient, productive, DON’T require endless hours of cardio, and leave you walking out of the gym with energy to spare for the rest of your day

  • getting to enjoy the foods you love WHILE still achieving results, not feeling restricted and able to enjoy a night out with the girl’s guilt free 

  • looking in the mirror every morning and absolutely feelin’ yourself — feeling confident, sexy, and resilient, more than you ever imagined possible

  • all the time you spend working on your goals actually starts leading to REAL, SUSTAINABLE, LASTING results (oh and it’s fun too)!

Keep scrolling down to read the hot details of this life-changing, transformative coaching offer!

This program is for you if:

  • You’re ready to transform your body, mind, and health using a sustainable, balanced, and empowering approach

  • you require assistance when it comes to both your training (workouts & help with form) and your nutrition (knowing and understanding what to eat and how much of it)

  • you’re looking for a 1:1 program that’s rooted in high touch support and accountability

If this sounds amazing then Fitness & Nutrition 1:1 Coaching is exactly what you need!

So, what’s included in the 1:1 Fitness & Nutrition Premium Online Coaching container?

  • In Depth Consultation

    It all starts off with a complimentary phone consultation to discuss you, your lifestyle, your goals, and what kind of program would be the best fit for you. This is where you’ll get to know Tina and her coaching style better to see if you’re the right candidate for Online Coaching and if Tina’s the right Coach for you.

  • Form Assessment Call

    Before your customized program is written, you will get on a 1:1 video call with Tina (this comes after the consultation if you choose to sign up), where she will assess your form on many of the basic foundational movement patterns (squats, deadlifts, push-ups etc). This call allows Tina to give you some form correction cues as well as see where you’re at, which will allow your program to be even further customized when written (you’ll get that “in-person” feeling from this assessment). After the call, you will be sent a short summary of everything Tina went over with you and your program will shortly follow.

  • Your Personally Customized Program

    After your form assessment call, your program will start the following Monday (for example, if your form assessment is on a Wednesday, your program start date will be that following Monday of the next week)! Your program will be put into a fitness coaching app called “Trainerize” — you can view what’s included in this below.

  • Educational Ebooks

    On top of having access to the Trainerize app, you will also be receiving a few introductory PDFs written by Tina that will answer all your questions and help you ease into your program smoothly. These include topics such as the fundamentals of fitness and nutrition, a guide to intuitive eating, how to navigate through the Trainerize app, etc.

  • Pre-Filmed Form Videos

    You will be given shared access to a folder full of in-depth form videos filmed by Tina herself. These are 3-5 minute tutorials going over all the form cues and execution tips that you’ll need to know for a whole heap of exercises (lunges, squats, lateral raises, Bulgarian split squats etc). These videos will help you build confidence in the gym and will be there for you to refer back to at any point in your program.

  • 1:1 Support & Accountability

    You will have 24/7 support from Tina as your Coach. Meaning you can send her videos of you performing an exercise to get form advice, you can ask questions about nutrition, fitness, and anything in between. Tina will always be there to support you on this journey! (On weekdays, you will be responded to within 24 hours, on weekends, you will be responded to within 48 hours). 

What’s included in your customized program

  • A filmed video of every single exercise in your program, along with written instructions on how to complete each exercise

  • Daily customized goals that you can check off each day (for example: ‘Drink 3 litres of water’)

  • A place where you can track your body measurements, body-weight, and take progress pictures periodically

  • A messenger system so you can message Tina anytime with questions or for support

  • Your custom calculated calories and macronutrients catered to your goals

  • An in-app calendar so that you have a full overview of what your week will look like

  • Access to the fitness coaching app Trainerize — this is free for you to use

  • Every 4 weeks, your program will be updated (both the workouts and your calorie/macro targets) so that you’re continuously progressing towards your goals

  • Weekly check-ins from Tina

  • 24/7 support from Tina! You will always be responded to within 24 hours on weekdays, and within 48 hours on weekends (with the exception of holidays)

  • In-depth form videos so that you feel confident executing the exercises in your program

  • Informational Ebooks: The Basics of Fitness & Nutrition Ebook, Intuitive Eating & Recipes Guide, Trainerize How to Guide (teaches you how to use the training app)


Trainerize is the fitness coaching app that’s used for all of my online coaching clients. It’s free for you to use and access, and it can be synced with other apps like FitBit, My Fitness Pal, and your Apple Watch— so that all your fitness and nutrition information is in one place.

The app allows me to access your program to see when you’ve completed each workout, the weights and reps you completed, your daily food log and if you’ve checked off your daily goals. It allows for a really transparent coach-client relationship — meaning you get the the absolute most out of your program.


CAD $399 every 4 weeks

Minimum 12 week commitment!

I’m interested! What’s next?